With everything that is happening in Colwyn Bay it makes one wonder what the next great Council backed scheme will be to attract shoppers into the Town. A good idea is the free parking leading up to Christmas but surely with the good must come some bad; how can you stop Colwyn Bay from being prosperous?
Someone, somewhere will come-up with a harebrained idea, you never know, the Council may even decide to sell back their concessionary car parking spaces at the Bay View Shopping Centre which would then allow the Centre owners to start charging shoppers to park their cars whilst using their facilities..........No?............nobody is that stupid............are they?
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
what ru trying to tell us John?
John is showing us how he underminds the respect and authority of the elected members of the council for his planned coup by his friends in the BNP in the guise of fellow travellers and independents no doubt.
Ex Cllr.
Anon 00.03,
I am not trying to tell you anything, I am merely pointing out that if the Council allowed the Bay View Centre to start charging parking fees it would force people to shop elsewhere where they can park for free ie; the Junction, Aldi or Lidl.
Lyon Roars,
I cannot get that link to work but I think you are on the right trail. (If it’s Wednesday Planning meeting you are).
Conwy Council want to allow the owners of the shopping centre to start charging for car parking in return for the council getting a nice fat payoff. They have to pay off the council because it was a condition of the original planning permission for the centre that parking had to be free.
Anon 10 November 2009 00:34
It's ex-cllrs like you that have let Colwyn Bay decline as much as it has then? You have no room to talk!
Lyon Roars,
Think of it this way; why would the Council want to drive people away from Colwyn Bay?
Councillor John Oddy said...
Lyon Roars,
Think of it this way; why would the Council want to drive people away from Colwyn Bay?..I SAY Back handers.
I apologise to one od the Anons,
I deleted your comment by mistake.....sorry.
I do not think John is talking about back handers he means the council want people out of the town so they will not complain when they bring in the offices they want.
Nothing is for nothing ive had experence with certain groups backhanders i said and backhanders I ment.
I once when thinking of applying for planning permission jokingly said would a little brown envelope help to a planning officer it was a social and he said yes. He was serious...
Just to make matters clear; I am not insinuating that any Councillor is corrupt, I am saying the Council are not being totally above board in the way they are dealing with the Town. There is too much secrecy involved, especially when one considers that these people are employed by the tax-payer.
Councillor John Oddy said...
Just to make matters clear; I am not insinuating that any Councillor is corrupt, I am saying the Council are not being totally above board.....I SAY Say no more enough said!!!
I can tell you that the Planning Committee rejected the proposal from the Bay View owners.
This will not stop the owners from, if they wish, charging people after 2/3 hours, I would find that acceptable.
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