I have been corresponding with some UKIP members and am quite surprised at how inactive they are in this area, which really is fertile ground for them.
Labour have shown themselves to be the traitors we always knew they were, they have ruined whatever they have touched, just like our Labour led Council, they have lied to and deceived the working classes and sold us all down the river. Their chances of re-election, like their candidates, are a non-starter.
Cameron’s u turn on the EU has shown us what to expect from the Conservatives; broken promises and another Labour Government but dressed in blue.
The Lib/Dems themselves do not even know what they want so the rest of us have no chance of knowing, they are weak and leaderless, pro political correctness and a bunch of socialist do-gooders to all the wrong people.
So, out of all the minority parties, there is not much other choice. UKIP have strengthened up their policies, they are now much tougher on immigration and, of course, they want out of the EU. I realise that is not good for you poor misguided pro EUers but even you must now be wondering what the hell we have let ourselves into.
With some real effort UKIP could collect all those disenchanted Labour and Conservative voters, the Lib/Dem voters will remain confused until polling day and still be confused after that, the mainstream parties have shown themselves to be the liars, cheats and thieves that they really are so it is now time for something different, the only real option is UKIP.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
have you joined ukip yet ?
No; I am still waiting for the local branch to make a decision on whether I can attend a meeting. It is only after that that I will make the decision to join UKIP or not.
John you dont move with the times your still a flat earther, Ukip indeed your better joining the Tories for all Ukip are good for
Ex Ukip member Ron.
To be honest with you, I do not think I could trust the Tories. Look at what's happening to our local bunch, in-fighting and at each others throats..... no thanks.
wasn't the last branch meeting on wednesday
Anon 14.44,
Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm waiting for the Chairman to get back to me.
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