There appears to be a fair bit of anti-Councillor feelings floating around Llandudno at the moment. The backdated pay rise hasn’t helped to endear Councillors to the electorate but a couple of County Councillors have been a bit naughty and been found out.
Councillor Lyons put uPVC windows into a listed building without planning permission, Councillor Ronnie Hughes has been accused of being lazy and not attending meetings and Councillor Barrett is being linked to a non-advertised Council owned land sale to two Council workers, allegedly.
This as, obviously, led to people asking what can they do about it?. Well, not a lot really. I have looked this up and it appears that the ruling is the same for Town and County Councillors. A Councillor cannot be sacked, he can be asked but not forced to resign. The leader of the Council or the Mayor at Town level can call an EGM ( Extraordinary General Meeting) and ask for a vote of no confidence in a Councillor but even if that vote is passed the Councillor can still remain on the Council.
The way forward, for the people of Llandudno, is; A petition of no confidence, get as many signatures from within the ward of the Councillor as you can, hand the petition to the Clerk of the Council, the leader of the Council then decides whether to act on it or not, if he does then an EGM is called and a vote of no confidence taken.
The procedure is more about embarrassing a Councillor into resigning than anything else. If the petition carries enough signatures that is, usually, enough for the Councillor to see what’s coming and they hand in their resignation before being humiliated in the Council Chamber and being stigmatised. The local press always get wind of something like this and start to sniff around, they always come down on side of the people and that helps.
Unless someone can add to this or has access to information I don’t, then I’m afraid that is the only advise I can give, hope it helps.
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