Having just deleted the 73rd comment from Anonymous may I ask that you refine your comments to ones that you make yourself and are not reliant on cut and paste.
From all your comments it is obvious you are anti-Jewish and are a Jewish Conspiracy theorist, I am neither and therefore do not hold with your views, more to the point I do not think readers of this Blog are either. May I suggest you endeavour to find a web-site that agrees with your Jewish World Domination theory and, I am sure, you will all be very happy together.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
Dear Cllr Oddy,
Well said, I to reject anonymous cut and paste postings, it is not correct to call these comments they are simply advertising.
Anti-Semitism represents the views of only a tiny minority of nationalist, and is simply another delusion in the same way religion is. Let's hope rational thought and logic will end both.
Chris Hill
John, I was ignorant like you, you actually believe that by pulling out of the EU and having stronger border controls it will stop the destruction of this country, then you really are short sighted and an ass!! Europe and all once white prodominate countries, USA Canada, Australia, New Zealand are under threat due to the same circumstances/attack. These circumstances are not natural, they are a result of a planned assault on first world countries. The planners and their willing helpers have been known for over a 100 years now. You are 52years of age and havent grasped the global plan to be controlled by a one world Government.
I will not condem you for this, if it was made public the obvious action to counter this attack would have been taken long ago. People have been conditioned to accept their lot, although there are quite a few dissenters like yourself, they are akin to a blind men fielding in a cricket match. You have not made it your businenss to research the facts. I wouldnt be wrong if I said you know nothing about our enemy or the organisations he controls like communism for instance, the banking system and the power over various political parties working towards our ruin.
I did think you had half a brain but obviously your are on the same wave length as Chris Hill making you politically impotent. Both of you have been operating on limited information and when given some facts regardless of how offensive they are to you, you still dont have the intelligence, to work out you have been suckered into believing anyone who gives you information is an anti semite and a conspiracy theorist. Keep up your work its all self delusional.
At least you made the effort and actually wrote a comment, of the 70 odd posts I have rejected none of them were your words, they were cut and pastes, some dated back 30 years, which proves I did read some of them. If you have a point to make, then make it, but off your own back and not through the ranting of others.
As I said I did read some of your posts and whereas they did have some validity they were not conclusive enough for me to adopt the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to conquer the world. Agreed there are, worldwide, some highly placed people who happen to be Jewish, there are some very rich individuals who, also, happen to be Jewish but there is no indisputable evidence to prove collusion between these people.
Two of the pieces I read were wrote 16 years apart but could have been written by the same author, it’s the same theory only worded differently and both with inconsistencies that you could drive a truck through.
I am sorry you think of me as an impotent, half brained ass but I refuse to jump onto any conspiracy theorist band-wagon that drives past.
Dear Anonymous (19:10 Hrs)
This Jewish conspiracy delusion is quite simply nonsense, and I can only echo what Cllr Oddy has said.
The threat to our nation and its people, comes not from a racial group of less than 12milion, but from many hundreds of millions of Muslim extremists. British Jew (many of whom are as indigenously British as I am) should be valued allies in our struggle. Your delusions are damaging our nation's chances. Please seek professional psychiatry help.
As for these constant cut and paste attempts, he/she has been bombarding the local Lancaster blog as well. Posted with a verifiable ID, and put the ideas in your own words, then use a web link as supporting evidence.
Chris Hill
ANTI-GAG said....
"Well said, I to reject anonymous cut and paste postings, it is not correct to call these comments they are simply advertising".
"This Jewish conspiracy delusion is quite simply nonsense, and I can only echo what Cllr Oddy has said.2 Says Anti Gag
In response to these comments - I dismiss Chris Hills un-qualified statements as quickly as he would believe macarbe ineundo as to a stack of shoes built on a wooden ramp or a stack of eye glasses piled up outside the doors of a Banardos Charity shop, totally meaningless.
He prattles on about the threat to our 'nation'. He denounces the BNP Leadership from within. Does he not have the guts to go Independent? He is doing more damage than good as I am sure he is well aware of!!
Muslims are a threat, but if he was more informed he would recognise that they are only a tool. I will not dwell on how he equates the Muslim and Khazars/Jews as a David and Goliath situation. By doing this he is proving he knows nothing of the peril we are in.
His knowledge of History, Geography and Politics is extremly limited.
I will give one final clue in the hope he can kick his adled brain into gear - The Muslims have invaded Europe before. They were not the only ones. - Read up on your Khazars Mr Hill and for further understanding these two groups do not think like us Westerners. That is the biggest clue you can have - in other words learn a little about them.
You said Khazars/Jews are as Briish as yourself. This is another problem they do not view us as we view them. In other words they have a different mentallity which is part of their Talmudic upbringing. Khazar/Jews have NEVER been persecuted for their religion. On that very subject religion the only valid point you have made to my knowledge, is that it is a load of hocus pocus. You have discovered that, it is abundant that there is more for you to discover, then you will not be passing unqualified comments about my mental state, you are the one that has been on the black couch Mr Hill and it has been easy to glean you are ill informed therefore can offer no remedy to our current political problems. You are like a ships navigator, one degree out, so you will never get the ship to its port of call!!!!!
I have printed the last two comments for two reasons, one, you wrote them yourself instead of cut and paste, although I did reject two further cut and paste comments that came with these. Secondly it goes to show your contempt for anyone who does not fall-in with your ideology, you react to criticism like a mad-dog and for that reason, and that reason alone, I put you on warning, any personal attacks on any contributors will lead to an automatic ban.
I apologise for the printing of those comments but it was done in a way to show other readers what we have to put-up with as blog owners.
Mr Oddy,
I have made it abundantly clear to you in the past any cut and past was for your personal benefit and for you to do some unsupervised research, thus enabling you to have it confirmed by the greatest minds from Socrates throughout history, to today's problem/s.
I never wanted the cut and paste publishing on your blog as no one would have been equipped to understand them.
You state you read some of the cut and paste, everything is a conspiracy when you dont understand, especially when they are unpopular and controlled establishment views.
I only deal with facts and not hearsay. Perhaps the rules and regulations laid down by past and present goverment's are holding you back and not letting you expand your mind further and become more enquiring.
I resent your comment about me being a mad dog ,and appealling to what few readers you have, how you are being persecuted and what you have to put up with and tolerate.
Dear Cllr Oddy,
I have no problem, what so ever, with people criticising me. And it was good to see an attempt at a genuine comment for once, instead of the normal cut and paste posting. On the Lancaster blog I try to give a greater degree of leeway to critical comments that I do to the more supportive postings, simply out of (what I hope is) a commitment to free speech.
As for the above comments themselves I think I've covered all the issues they bring up before, either here or on the Lancaster blog. The one thing I would like to say is that I stay in the BNP because I believe a political party is about the membership, not any single person. Griffin has managed to hold no to the leadership long after his usefulness to the party has ended, and by cleaver manipulation of events has changed the party's constitution to effectively make himself a dictator for life (or at least until he chooses to step down), or so he may think. Personally I think he may be in for a bit of a shock very soon.
Chris Hill
I have no problem, what so ever, with people criticising me says Chris Hill....
In response.....
Anyone reading Chris Hill and John Oddy's blogs quickly realise they are comparatively new to Nationalism. One of them now stands as an Independent because he doesnt support all the policies and the other remains in the BNP,trying to sway dissenters,into a new group accusing the leadership of being manipulative, a holocaust denier- word's straight from searchlight and unable to take the party any further. Then there are others accusing Griffin of being a Zionist, Zionism being a new word in both John and Chris's vocabulary and they still dont understand it's meaning. It is obvious they carry a mixture of their previous politics and struggle to hang onto their past cloak of respectability.
Does Chris Hill really believe that getting rid of the leadership at this time would bring more respectability to the party?
It is very nice sentiments to say that it is the members that make up the party. Nationalism has been plagued with factions and personality cults from beginning to end, the full circumstances of what is happening in this country, the propaganda by all and sundry aimed against Nationalists, I think Griffin and the BNP has done exceedingly well.
Everyone has a part to play and I can say with inpunity and experience I would revoke Chris Hill's membership immediately for his unsound methods, whereas poor John Oddy is torn between the devil and the deep blue sea.
He must overcome his negativity.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
A Letter To All 'Common Purpose Employees'
by Justin Walker
My friends,
You are, I'm sure, already aware that your charity is controversial to a growing number of people. Now, it may be that you are not bothered by this and that you have been reassured by internal memos sent out by Julia Middleton and her central team, but I feel I must warn you that the Charity's inability to defend itself publicly when asked to do so by a TV channel, who very recently allowed air time to Brian Gerrish, one of your main detractors, is strange to say the least and not what you would expect from a respectable charity. Please watch this http://www.tpuc.org/node/538 and see for yourself the severe allegations being made against the organisation you work for.
As you will see from the emails below, I have attempted to persuade the Charity to accept their 'Right of Reply' made by the presenter of the programme. To date, I have had no reply. If Common Purpose has absolutely nothing to hide, then it should readily and enthusiastically accept this offer to restore the Charity's good name. It would be even better if Julia Middleton had the courage to debate live with Brian Gerrish and so sort out these allegations properly.
There are now millions of people in this country who know that the planned Orwellian European Union Superstate, after the full ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, is just a matter of time.....a case of 'when' not 'if'. However, there are now hundreds of thousands of ordinary decent people who know that 'Fifth Columnists' are actively weakening the UK internally and who are preparing, behind the scenes, new government structures, putting in place 'new leaders' or Quislings for when this dreadful time happens. Well, I have to tell you, the good people of this country are organising and Common Purpose, unless it publicly clears its name, will be brought to justice and account under Common Law. Do not be surprised if you see citizen arrests of Common Purpose employees and graduates as we seek to flush out and expose the treason and criminal activities being done against our country.
Please, I urge you most earnestly, if you have absolutely nothing to hide, will you please take up this offer by Edge Media TV to clear yourselves of the accusations being made against you. Failure to do so will mean we reserve our Common Law right to do the decent, lawful and honest thing to save our country.
With all best wishes and sincerity,
Justin Walker
Co-founder, The Whole Truth Coalition: www.wholetruthcoalition.org
'A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.' - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Dear Anonymous (18:35 PM),
I have never accused Griffin of Holocaust denial as you suggest. As for my reasons for thinking Griffin cannot take the party forward I'll go over them briefly gain now.
Griffin (despite it being one of his main allegations against john Tyndall in 1999) has never kept his promise to be open with the party's accounts. The auditor's report of our 2007 account* said:
Accordingly in our opinion the financial statements do not:
1. Give a true and fair view of the state of the party's affairs at 31^st December 2007.
2. Give a true and fair view of the year end.
My second reason for opposing Griffin's continued leadership is his total refusal to develop an effective middle management structure for the party. He allows Collett to run amok while destroying any effective management before it has time to evolve. His reasons for doing this are unclear, but I suspect he may see any efficient management team as a potential threat to his position, and so destroys them as a means of self preservation.
Finally your comment about revoking my membership, the right to criticise the leadership is part of any democratic political system, and no court in the land would uphold a decision to expel a member for doing so, especially when signed by someone calling themselves 'Anonymous'.
Chris Hill
That report can be found on the Electoral Commissions web site, and the auditors comments are on Page 15 of that report.
In response to Anti Gag -
You really are an ass Chris Hill perhaps this is the reason you treat others the same. You are not a wordsmith so give up trying to juggle statistics with words. You went beyond constructive criticism
when you have and still devote most of your time to degrading and plotting with those who should know better, in order to oust the leadership of the BNP. One of your guises being to blacken and undermine the good name of the Leadership at the same time promoting a group under the guise of improving middle management. All the ingredients for a coup. Griffin and Co. would have been very remiss if they hadnt taken action against the people you support.
You can quote Psalm and Chapter of The Electoral Commission as much as you like. The BNP is a bone fide political party which has made great progress despite outside and a very few inside agitators like yourself.
For fear of repeating myself why dont you join a political party which is more suited ie UKIP, VERITAS, Conservatives
Dear Anonymous (00:18 PM)
You say I have attacked the party leader, and I have criticised him for effectively making himself a dictator.
The Hyde bi-election result a few weeks ago was indeed a great local effort, however it was a second place result (ie we were beaten by almost 500 votes). For years we've been promised that these second places would soon become victories. Last year we won only one council bi-election in the whole of the country, and we have fewer elected district councillors now than we had two years ago. Our London Assembly victory was actually only a 0.4% increase in the vote we had achieved 4 years earlier. At this rate it will take us over 200 years to get our first MP elected* (16%+0.4% x (200/4) )= 36% the lowest vote that can reasonably be expected to result in the election of a candidate. While last week in Croydon we were unable to persuade one registered voter in 70 to turn out and vote for us, (4.9% on a 28.5% turnout).
Five years ago Griffin was going around talking of not one but two possibly three BNP MEPs being elected that year. 5 years later we are hearing the same thing again (OK just one MEP is being predicted this time), what progress is that? For the last 10 years Griffin has been making promises he hasn't kept, I'm sick of second places we need victories not defeats made up to look like victories. Collett has again been let off the hook after messing up ¾ million election leaflets, while 6 very component and effective people (the December 2007 expellees) are left in the wilderness.
Is Griffin really achieving anything other than moving a small ripple of success around from area to area, while letting yesterdays successes fall away? We need a BNP government within the next 20 years or our nation and its people are lost! The Griffin/Collettt gang are in effect preventing the party's progress, they are as much a part of the problem as are the liberals in our government.
I want to be part of a serious political party, not the Nick Griffin fan club!
Chris Hill
*16% being our best ever parliamentary result in 2001.
In reponse to Anti-gag
You say I have attacked the party leader, and I have criticised him for effectively making himself a dictator.......
The BNP has held firm through out year's of bombardment, threats and one of the most vicious hate propaganda campaign's by the establishment for years. The BNP has now emerged and become a more exceptable house hold name. People talk openly of there support, that in itself is the true VICTORY. It has held steadfastly to its goal, this achievment was only because, like him or hate him Nick Griffin had shown he has the brains, guts and a good political head. He has not lost the drive to prepare for election results that will be meaningful. You say you are disappointed with all the 2nd places, we are not talking about a horse race and having acieved this means that Griffin is taking the party forward. In the process he has removed like a good gardener the weeds in the party who would strangle its growth (factions have always blighted the Nationalist cause). The ones who should know better and the newbies who might be excellent office staff but have no experience of Nationalisim. They have proved that if Griffin had not cut his teeth from the old Nationalist parties, he would never have made it this far. A prime example of foolishness is the likes of John Oddy putting you forward as Leader of the BNP. Need I say more about the disasterous concequences to the party.
I have learned several things about you and John Oddy, you are both politically ignorant on a National and International level. Your certainly dont know the difference between tactics and strategy. I do not agree with your comments of 20 years to come to power, if the BNP does not make it in 10 years all is lost. So I would urge you to get your act together. Give all your support or none, there are no halfway measures.
May I just correct you on some of your ranting. You are correct, I did advise and urge Chris Hill to make a leadership challenge, he declined citing others would be better placed to make that challenge. From my comments both members from Yorkshire and Lancashire voiced their approval of my suggestion but Chris remained adamant.
Remember Anon, I am no longer a member of the Party so whatever I say counts for nothing but that does not stop me from wishing the Party well. I have already said I think Nick Griffin has done a superb job of leading the party, he is the one that has brought the party out of the shadows, there is no denying that. BUT the party is in a position now to move forward and look towards parliamentary advancement. Nick, in his own words, admits he carries too much baggage to progress the party for much longer. For the BNP to become a serious player in mainstream politics you need a leader who is openly acceptable, Nick’s history, unfortunately, negates him from that.
Finally, my political ignorance, as you chose to put it, may stem from my refusal to accept your theories or ideology, whichever. The one thing that Chris and I are ahead of you on is the fact that even though our policies may differ we are brave enough to put our names to our comments and face people like yourself who hide behind your shields of anonymity, we have the conviction of our argument, you hide behind yours!.
Councillor John Oddy said...
May I just correct you on some of your ranting. You are correct, I did advise and urge Chris Hill to make a leadership challenge....
It is said attack is the best form of defence but you have twisted it into a confession, at the same time making is abundantly clear you should not be frowned upon as you are not a member of the BNP (keeping out of the fairway more like) as you so often quote or the carte blanc that is required to keep a foot in both camps.
You can only be judged on your bad judgement - personally I think it is is hanging onto a mantle of respectability in the Council Chambers - being Independent allows you to wear many caps.
You state that Nick Griffin has said 'that he carries to much baggage' makes one wonder what this dreadful baggage could be? Is he an enemy of the people? Is he a murderer? Sexual pervert? Fraudster? Whatever could it be? One thing we can count on, it will not compare to those bastards in Parliament. But feel free to spill the preverbial beans at anytime.
If I were to get my crystal ball out it will read like this... Nick Griffin will get elected to the European Parliament and rightly so. I am sure Nick Griffin will support a new leader of the BNP in Britain.
You make much play about my ideology, if you had been more open minded to the mere snippet of information I furnished you with, I would have had no hesitation of dropping into Colwyn Bay at your convenience.
You accuse me of being gutless and hiding behind being annonymous, you accused Thoughts of Oscar of the same thing recently. It seems these accusations are the last resort of a contortionist like your goodself. I spend a great deal of time and money and I do my best not to waste either, you have inspired no confidence in me whatsoever, I support your judgement with the greatest of reservations todate.
I can see that you and I are not going to agree on many points, I do, however, recognise your loyalty to the BNP, which is admirable. I question your defence of Nick Griffin, not for his past achievements, for his continued leadership. I have said I hope he does get into the European Parliament and that he hands over the reins to someone else, there is some doubt if he would do that, even if he was a MEP.
There was no twisting intended, although I am ex-BNP and, as you pointed out an Independent, I still support the principles, if not all the policies, of the party. There are a lot of good, well intentioned members within the BNP but middle management is lacking in cohesion and thereby fractioning the party instead of working together.
Nick Griffin has said and done things in the past that will not stay there, they continue to haunt him and even he now realises this, that is why I hope he takes the excuse of MEP to hand-over.
I “make a play of your ideology” not because it is wrong but because you have failed to prove it’s validity, a little like Brian Gerrish (I think that’s his name) and Common Purpose, I can see something is there but, he to, as failed to fully convince me.
As far as your writing under a pseudonym is concerned, yes I do attack those that attack me whilst withholding their identity. I do not mind being accused of anything but it is nice to know who your accusers are.
Dear Anonymous (20:44 Hrs)
I'm unable to add anything to what John has said.
The only difference I have with John's views, are the reasons why Griffin must go. Apart from that I agree 100% with his comment above.
Chris Hill
It would be nice to know who you are.
We are letting the well run dry, allowing little bits of our civil freedoms to be chipped away by paranoiac governments who assure us we can trust them – and consistently betray that trust.
We are gradually sacrificing what has taken hundreds of years of civilisation to achieve, which is a condition of some kind of liberty. It may not be evident to everyone yet, but we have lost so much freedom in the past 10 years. When the Government passed its "anti-terror" laws, it reassured those who campaigned against them that they would only ever be used in the most extreme circumstances.
But these are completely vague laws which enable a government to arrest almost anybody for almost everything.
Within a couple of years they had been used to eject an 80-year-old heckler from a Labour Party conference, to arrest a woman for reading out the names of British soldiers killed in Iraq, and to freeze the assets of Icelandic banks in England. This is the problem with vague legislation of this type: it invariably gets called into use whenever anybody does anything that the Government finds embarrassing or the police find inconvenient.
It criminalises the behaviour of concerned citizens and thereby encourages disengagement and apathy. By preventing people from taking part in critiques of governance it increases the gap between rulers and ruled: it is fundamentally anti-democratic.
I worry about initiatives like identity cards and computer databases because they could be a step towards a police state, with completely innocent people being held in custody because of software malfunctions.
It is incredibly sad that these moves towards a police state should have happened under a Labour government. Gordon Brown should think about the serious problems that need to be solved – such as climate change – and direct his government's efforts towards that.
Conspiracy Theorists
Everyone has heard, and has probably used the term "conspiracy theorist," and the fact of the term being in common use, also indicates that we generally agree on what it means. I saw a film by that name, and the title character was a raving lunatic who kept his food in thermoses with combination locks to reduce his chances of being poisoned by imaginary enemies.
Regardless of how the stupid film turned out, what's important here is the common perception people have of someone to whom that label is applied, and just as important, is who it is that applies the label. The common perception is that someone who is labeled a "conspiracy theorist" is suffering from some type of psychological disorder, and that label is usually applied to people by our government, and our news media. The next thing to consider, is that the label is applied to anyone who questions our government's version of events in any matter. Doesn't it logically follow that the media are teaching us to assume that anyone who questions the government is insane? When that label is applied to a person, doesn't it become easy to dismiss everything they say without even hearing it? How convenient for them.
Anon (Whoever you are),
I think anyone who doesn’t question this Government is insane!.
Councillor John Oddy said...
Anon (Whoever you are),
I think anyone who doesn’t question this Government is insane!
Who ever is in power or goverment still pursue the same agenda/policies which also keep the peoples bemused.
The obvious conclusion is that we live in a rotating "DICTATORSHIP", the same act/policy/method is followed in all so called democracies and controlled by the same few. The motives are easy to understand, this rather puts pay to Chris Hills theory/fear that you need a greater number to take over a country. (Hasnt he heard of The Trojan Horse). If you have the patience the world or should I say NWO will eventually come about as we have been so arrogantly promised as the same methods/policies have been applied to other so caled democracies.
Ever wonder why the Fabian Society(to name just 1) have a turtle and a wolf rapped in a sheeps clothing plus two gentlemen smashing the world to pieces on an anvil with a poem from Omar Khayyam as their emblem? If not I can give you more information. I take it that you are aware Blair and Brown are amongst other leading figures to be members of this elite society/think tank of traitors. This group is one of the many vehicles used to further the aims of a NWO. The behaviour to most would appear childish or immature a bit like the Skull and Bones. This being the case we have been led up the garden path by lunatics, amazing when you consider these members are known to be the brightest of the bright.
Dear Anonymous (20:48 hrs )
You said:
The motives are easy to understand, this rather puts pay to Chris Hills theory/fear that you need a greater number to take over a country.
I say:
I do not want to take over the country, I want our party to be democratically elected into government by the voters.
Chris Hill
I say:
I do not want to take over the country, I want our party to be democratically elected into government by the voters...
Chris Hill is a man who will never come out of his comfort zone or change his stance, he must be in control meaning he is not a team player for what is required to come to power in this country. Not once does he ask a pertinent question but resorts to labelling and name calling.
The country has been taken over although not by force of arms, in other words democracy has been subverted, will he at least agree to this?
There's two lines of thought to regain this country, one is through the democratic election system, this of course means breaking through the poison of propaganda, but he should bear in mind a quote of "It is not how many votes are won, but who counts the votes" as that mudering monster Joseph Stalin once said. We have had many many examples of voting fraud here and in other democracies. The other is the people will only be allowed so far in elections abit like the Belgian Nationlist Party before the minority parties joined together to ban it. I hope you are aware and realise that this type of abuse is common in democracies. This country has signed up to a contingency plan for any civil unrest firstly with the United Nations(NWO) to supply foreign troops to put down civil unrest plus the traitors have taken us into the same agreement with the EU. So much for democracy.
In this case Chris Hill must become more pragmatic, support all electioneering and recruit as many members as possible and always keep in mind the latter stages he will more than likely have to become more physical.
Dear Anonymous (13:54 hrs)
You Said:
'In this case Chris Hill must become more pragmatic, support all electioneering and recruit as many members as possible and always keep in mind the latter stages he will more than likely have to become more physical.'
I say:
If you are suggesting I must be prepared to accept violence, that's total nonsense and I reject it completely.
Chris Hill
Brown and Blair among 'enemies of freedom'
The Observer, Sunday 22 February 2009
A report on the loss of civil liberties was launched yesterday and will be sent to Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Jacqui Smith and others identified as "the 10 enemies of freedom". The Abolition of Freedom Act 2009 was produced by the University College London Students' Human Rights programme. It shows how "the liberties that we assumed were somehow guaranteed by British culture have been compromised". The report comes ahead of the Convention on Modern Liberty, which takes place on Saturday at the Institute of Education, London.
I say:
If you are suggesting I must be prepared to accept violence, that's total nonsense and I reject it completely.
I am no longer prepared to play ping pong politics on a blog with you Chris Hill. It is self evident you dont give genuine thought to the other sides input, without using that old Communist trick of defaming people just like Weyman Bennett and fail to hold a sensible debate with an intelligent response as opposed to your programmed knee jerk reaction. At least John Oddy makes a genuine response even though it may have it's short falls. As I have said before - you might have lacked information and when it is given to you,fail to translate it. Is this because of your self righteous attitude, that you quickly dismiss any input this makes it laughable , considering the problem is under your nose, yet are quick to use the videos I send you on your blog but you cannot work the same thing out if it is written!! You have admitted that there is an International conspiracy on your own blog, that is what surrender of sovereignty means , You actually believe there will be a peaceful transition of power, by a controlled system that is no longer democratic. If any party is allowed to win an election which is not establishment controlled, is not going to happen. You lead us to believe that it is all biggoted rubbish that would prove you have not made it your business to find out who rules the roost, ie the folk who have this country and its people by the throat. In fact you defend them, this is strange considering you have had the facts before you, ? The mindless response you give is zilch and nonsense. I stand by the obvious, you are an ignorant hobbyist or Zionist which you have been accused of before by others.
Chris Hill Says.....
A man stands up to be counted when he sees an injustice or a threat to his nation. Anonymous posters do not deserve to be credited as men, they are nothing more than spineless cowards....
I have two simple questions both of which I want an answer too...
What threat's and what injustice?
Are Jews Semites?
This should be quite painless for you to answer?
Identify yourself (with a name that I can confirm) and I'll continue the discussion. I have a right to know who I'm conversing with.
Chris Hill
Dear Anonymous (13:28 hrs)
You Said:
I say:
What torrent of abuse are you talking about? Quite simple I don't abuse people so I'm afraid you're talking nonsense.
Chris Hill
I have been following the blog on this site for the past couple of weeks. It looks like Anti-gag has weasled out of giving an answer to the two questions from Anon. Are you going to give them an answer as I am interested in what you say.
Dear Anonymous (22:45 hrs)
Just putting J.Williams at the end of an anonymous comment, does not constitute an identifiable poster.
Chris Hill
You Said:
Perhaps if you were not so quick on the attack and phrased your questions in a manner that didn’t appear loaded then you may get an answer from Chris. Your open hostility is perplexing, both Chris and yourself are BNP members, Chris being an Organiser, you being an activist, I presume. I realise Chris, understandably, has issues with the present leadership you, on the other hand, do not. You are both nationalists, with enough enemies as it is, I fail to see the point of the argument when neither of you are going to change the others mind. Would it not be better if the two of you agreed to differ on the subject and moved on to how you can best face the coming elections?.
Anon, are you also J. Williams?, or do we have more confusing Anon’s?.
Why not answer for Chris Hill John? You are good at the misleading labelling of folk. Take the wrongly titled heading on your blog "Anti-Jew; Anon Poster" Chris Hill demands a name whatever next a number and my autobiography? All I asked was two simple questions, I dont really want to indulge in social intercourse this could lead to being knocked up at 2am for a bowl of sugar!!!!!!!!
As long as you don’t want to take warm showers with me I don’t care!.
It would be, uncommonly, rude of me to answer for other people but if you wish to ask questions of me then I shall answer to the best of my ability. I would though like you to bear in mind, I answer honestly and openly but I am being asked by someone who remains anonymous and covert.
When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they either cease being mistaken or they cease being honest! - Anonymous
Get on with it and answer the 2simple question's the pair of you are acting like 2 drunken mutton hawkers arguing over a punters small change in a shady hotel in Cardiffs Tiger Bay.
Riddle me this
Riddle me that
I am the cat
In the red and white hat.
Enough nonsense - give me the answers!!!!!!!
Pissssst i c yer mate's blown the "GAFF"
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