Today the letter I sent to the Pioneer was published (posted on this blog 18.12.08) and already it appears to have upset some Councillors, apparently I have been accused of making libellous and defamatory remarks!. Well you all know where I am, I look forward to the arrival of the law suits, to have the opportunity of making you look as stupid in a Court of Law as you do in the Council Chamber will be the icing on the cake.
Councillors are there to serve their communities, not the other way around, to those Councillors who think they are bigger and better than the rest of us let me tell you, you are not, none of you are above the law so don’t think you are and if you don’t like being a Councillor you shouldn’t have stood for election.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
Enquiring mind want's to know why you are ex BNP.
I resigned as North West Wales Organiser and from the Party during the last local elections, I stayed on until the elections were over just to “see it through”, as it were. My way of running things was fairly successful but it brought me into conflict with higher placed officials so rather than have a public slagging match I tendered my resignation.
Just to clarify a point, I still believe in some of the BNP policies and I think the vast majority of the membership are hard working nationalists who care for our Country but there are some who are there through greed or to inflate their ego.
I have already been asked if racism played a part in my resignation and the answer is still “No”. People are led to believe that all BNP members are racists but this is a myth created by the major parties, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying there are no racist within the BNP, the same way I, nor anyone, could say there are not racists in any walk of life and that includes pro-racism. To say the Country is full and that immigration should be halted is not racism nor is wanting to put the wants and needs of our own indigenous people before asylum seekers.
UAF, Searchlight and other left-wing groups called me “The brute in a suit”, little knowing that I have spent more time in Africa, helping the people there, than perhaps all of them put together. Some, within the BNP, called me a “moderate”, not that it worried me. What I’m trying to say is; it depends on what angle you look at something as to what perception you get of it, at the time I looked at the BNP and it was what I wanted, with a few fundamental changes it could still be but I doubt those changes will ever take place so I shall stay right-wing Independent.
Dear Cllr Oddy,
Your views on the party seem to reflect mine totally. The grassroots membership is superb, unfortunately the top echelons of the party are simply not up to the job due to a combination of incompetence and a lack of integrity. The party at the moment is fast becoming little more than a Nick Griffin fan club.
It's tragic because with a democratic constitution and an efficient management structure, as proposed by Cllr Sadie Graham last year, we could be unstoppable. Nick Griffin is indeed a very charismatic figure, but we don't need a show business personality at the head of the party we need an effective CEO, unfortunately Griffin's management abilities are almost non existent.
Having said all that the BNP is still the only game in town, but if it to save out nation we must first put our own house in order. By resigning your membership you denied the modernises within the party, your vote and support to implement the changes needed to democratise the party. Change will come to the BNP, it's only a matter of whether it comes in time to save our nation.
Chris Hill
Dear Cllr Oddy,
After rereading my last comment, I'd like to point out that I wasn't criticising your decision to leave the party. I wanted only to suggest that staying on and fighting for democratic change would have been more effective in the long run.
Chris Hill
I considered all my options very carefully, I could have stayed and demanded an inquiry into the actions of my regional secretary, even if I’d won it would only have damaged the Party because he is also a good regional organiser and if he left who would have filled his place?.
I could have stayed on as I was but that would only have caused friction, I’m too bull-headed to have accepted that for too long and I would have had to bring it to a head sooner rather than later.
My problem is I was not a “Yes-man” and I would not go along with some of the things I was asked to do and still wouldn’t.
I was approached today by some members who came to my house and asked me to consider rejoining the Party and become the BNP Candidate in the General Election. I explained that apart from not wanting to rejoin the Party the selection of a Candidate would not be left up to me but to the very person whom my argument is with.
Chris, I can see the problems you are facing within the BNP and, as I’ve already said, I don’t think Nick is the man to lead the Party for much longer, he carries too much baggage for the electorate to accept and will only, unfortunately, hold back the Party progress. That does not detract from the good he has done in the past but even he must see he is now a burden.
I still support the BNP membership, alas, from the outside, the one big surprise is how little effort is now being put into North West Wales and how isolated it has become. Having seen it rise to an acceptable growth of new members the now lack of interest is heart-rendering, I can only hope that something is done soon to resurrect the BNP in this area.
You know I will only wish you good luck in any of your endeavours.
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