How can we trust Government and Police crime figures when we know they are manipulate to suit the prevalent situation?.
NWP blame the Governments change of crime classification but then do not NWP play with the facts and figures themselves?, crime books are there to log a crime but if it’s dealt with in-situ, i.e., a non-recorded warning, it doesn’t go into the book and is therefore not recorded as a crime.
There is a great deal of local mistrust of the Police, brought upon by their illustrious CC, but there is also a lack of moral within the ranks of the force, paperwork, bureaucracy and long hours. The introduction of plastic-policemen, guard-dogs with no teeth, has done nothing to restore the public faith in the force, crime initiatives were introduced but, apart from a flurry at the start, seem to have fizzled-out.
Regardless of what happens in the rest of the UK North Wales is one of the safest places to live, but only through luck not judgement. Even here we are seeing an increase in crime, including violent crime, we suffer, like everyone else from groups of anti-social elements, not all of them youngsters. We need to have this tackled and dealt with and the only way I can see that happening is if we go back to the old style of policing. Get the coppers back into their uniforms, not the one’s that make them look like Beirut bodyguards, the uniform we used to respect, get them out of their cars and back on foot patrol, this way they get to know their communities and the problems within them.
Yes there will be a need for Rapid Response Units who will be required to be in cars but with the main bulk of officers patrolling on foot there is a greater chance of crime detection. Apart from the odd plastic copper the only time we see “Policeman” is when he pulls someone over for speeding. Our perception of the police today is one of mistrust, the bridges of trust have to be re-built so that we can, once again, respect the officers of the law and they, in turn, can respect the communities they serve.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
There are lies, dammed lies, and statistics.
All governments manipulate figures, and our current government is certainly no exception to that.
The trick is to see through the smoke screen of presentation.
Chris Hill
John Oddy and Chris Hill or should I say the 'chuckle brothers' like to procrastinate, going on about lies, damm lies and statistics and yet they swallow the 'BIG LIE' hook line and sinker. John Oddy states the BNP wont go far because of Holocaust deniers whilst Chris Hill sits on the fence as he has done all his life. Muttering about being 1/4 Jewish, what he should mean is he is 1/4 Asiatic. With NO CLAIM to the so called 'Promised Land' that religious nuts would have us believe. In fact I bet you two nuts are religious, because if you believe 'THE BIG LIE' then walking on water is easy. Written by the same authors of course.
Today white people in the world not just narrow minded nationalists are the victims of propaganda and have had a guilt trip laid on them which has infected the political and educational systems and has given the Jews carte blance which leaves them free from all critiscm. This propaganda plus the 'Atlantic Slave Trade'is being introduced to our children through schools etc, it has become endemic. THINK OF IT - The ideal cosh to shut you up and stop you thinkng. Those who should know better like you two gentlemen prop the whole propaganda farce up.
I dont support Nick Griffin - one outstanding reason - a political party that hasnt said a word against the recent murders and treatment for the last 60 years of the Palestinians is not fit to be on the political stage. The occupying power has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world.
Chris Hill and his political intrigues and talk of democracy in the BNP - democracy is the very tool that has brought this country to ruin.
I bet you still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?
Oh by the way was it because women had to wear Burkhas that we went into Afghanistan? What about Serbia? Giving Kosova to the Muslims? Kosova is as much a part of Serbia as Lancshire is to England.
I can take you back to the 1st and 2nd World Wars and the BIG LIES' involved there, but I wont as you two are both the results of 50 years of brainwashing, you both might as well take up line dancing for the good you are both doing. Yet the answer is so simple - get off your hobby horses and check out the 'BIG LIE'. Who has instigated it? Who benefits from it? and the obvious goals of these international gansters will become clear!!!!! HE WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND DOESNT BELLOW IT IS A COWARD.
Just to put you in the picture, I am an atheist through choice I believe religion is the cause of most international conflict, in particular Islam which I would call an archaic, oppressive and evil religion. I have no real hatred of Muslims in general although I do believe they are more prone to terrorism than others.
I do not now and never did believe there were WMD’s in Iraq, Iraq was an illegal war fought for the benefit of America’s lust for oil and our Labour Governments lap-dog attitude towards the USA.
Multiculturism is not working now and never will, not whilst ethnic minorities, such as Muslims, refuse to integrate into our societies, they came to us so it is they who must adapt to our way of life, not the other way around.
At my age I don’t fall for any “Big lie” perhaps, when I was younger and in the Army I still believed in the “For Queen and Country” bullshit that was fed to all squaddies but not any more.
Finally, I am against the EU and any other form of globalisation, I truly believe that the UK, given back our independence, is more than capable of self sustenance and could, once again, be a major player in the world market.
I think I have explained myself and my position quite well in the last three paragraphs yet, having read the reams of drivel both here and elsewhere that you have come out with I still do not know what point you are trying to achieve or, indeed, what you are accusing others of.
Thank you for your most civil comment. I agree with comments about being a gullible ex serviceman having been one myself. I agree with 99% of what you have said. So called immigration to our land and other European countries is not a natural migration. It has been deliberately encouraged to split divide and ultimately destroy us by those in power, knowing full well it is not in the peoples best interest, who after all voted them in to represent their interests in this so called democracy. These traitors and their stooges have conspired regarding the so called EU, again against the peoples best interest. Ultimately to have a one world government. In order to do this these people must control the banking system, media, and it goes without saying the governments in the so called first world countries, who are obviously influence and have power over third world countries, once this has been accomplished you then become a slave or call yourself a one world citizen in a one world tyranny. (no future for our children) I only differ with you on one point which I think is very important. Who exactly are the masters of this great plot?, the facts are there you may not like it - but it is the truth. What you have called drivel has been stated by some of the most famous men in history from Socrates to todays modern thinkers.
Dear Anonymous (19:21 hrs),
I think you got the wrong end of the stick here, I never claimed that I was a 1/4 Jewish (as Chaplin said 'I don't have that honour.'), Although Hitler almost certainly was.
In fact I'm CofE, although I don't believe in a silly old man sitting on a cloud with angels flitting around his head. I also think that 99.9 % of the Bible is total rubbish, made up by ignorant peasants 2000 years ago. In fact I think the total lack of evidence out side of the Bible to confirm that Jesus Christ existed, means we should assume he's made up as well.
As for the rest of your rant, I simply can't be bothered to repeat my rebuttals of this anti-Semitic madness again.
Chris Hill.
That’s better, much more civil to be spoken to rather than at.
In your presumption I assume you are referring to a so-called charity, Common Purpose?. An abhorrent organisation set-up with the intention of brainwashing highflyers of the joys of the EU and Globalisation.
I do not lean towards the one world conspiracy theory although I cannot, truly, totally rule it out. I am, however, against what I believe your theory to be and that is that it is a Jewish backed campaign, am I correct in that assumption?.
Being ex-Army you should realise any enemy of your enemy is a friend and should be treated as that until the time comes when circumstances change. The same way you should know it is always better to fight and win one battle at a time, when all the battles are won so is the war.
When you knock the likes of Chris Hill or myself you are not making friends or winning battles, is it not better to join forces and fight a common foe?.
There you go again, adding links to a conversation is not my idea of sensible discussion. If you have a point I would prefer it to be yours and not that of some conspiracy theorist. I may not agree with your theory and I do not believe everything I read, so I will certainly not be swayed by links or cut and paste.
In response to the:- There you go again, adding links....
The reason i sent you the links is because we seem to have a similar background and I dont consider you stupid. The links are information that can be checked out and added to your political armoury. I am amazed that so few people are genuinely informed, if they were we wouldnt be in the mess we are today and sinking deeper into the mire. I have attempted to give you some direction via the links like you I never take anything on face value. So I would take time off and check it out, you certainly will not get this information at school, Universities or libraries - that is when you ask the question why?
I am positive that you have genuine concerns regarding your theory and given that you are so knowledgeable on the subject have spent many hours on research. Do not, therefore, get angry or dismayed when I say I think there are more pressing and urgent issues that need to be dealt with first. Priorities are in the eyes of individuals, my priorities are the cessation of open border immigration and the withdrawal from the EU, after that it is the re-building of a nation shattered by years of Labour mismanagement. Until these goals are achieved we should all put our personal vendettas on the back-burner and strive to build a platform from which we can, once again, hold our heads high.
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