At the Council’s Cabinet meeting held on Tuesday 13th of this month certain items were exempt from disclosure under the wonderful guise of “Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972” an Act our Council seem to hide behind more and more.
There was only one Exemption that really interested me “Purchase of Properties in Colwyn Bay”, these properties, one in Douglas Road and the other being the old Indoor Market, the latter was asked to be exempted by Rob Dix, a member of the Regeneration Board. The reasons given were...
FACTORS IN FAVOUR OF DISCLOSURE- None- other than general public interest.
NONE DISCLOSURE- Disclosure could prejudice the negotiations between the Council and the Owners and potentially delay the acquisition of the properties for which there is a tight timetable for purchase.
This is extremely interesting in that the old Indoor Market is the site ear-marked for the proposed Council Offices for 600 of its staff, note the word “proposed” because I was at the meeting where Bethan Jones stated to Colwyn Bay Town Council that nothing was “set in stone” and that lengthy Public Consultation would take place prior to any decisions being made. Also note “ tight timetable for purchase”. I have said, in the past, that the County Council are secretly trying to push through this office development as quickly and as quietly as they can, this is more proof of what I said being correct, it also shows the deceit and falsehoods given to the Town Council by the Regeneration Board.
Is it any wonder then that the public perception of the Council is one of mistrust?. I can assure you that this will not end here and I shall be putting these findings in front of our Council at its next full meeting and demanding an explanation.
Before certain Councillors or Council Officers start running for their Code of Conduct or shouting “Standards Committee” everything I have said is already in the public domain, you just have to know where to look.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
viltrumites as humans are. Dec 29, 2021 · and now they're getting a
3 years ago
I see Bethan Jones has resigned to take a job with Denbighshire CC.
Yes, I saw that too; what a dreadful thing to happen, never mind I’m sure the people of Denbighshire will get over it eventually, they had better have the tissues ready when she asks for a pay rise.
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