I have it on good authority that Byron Davies has not been lifted in connection with some missing cannons or for living off immoral earnings (although the latter is still being looked into!)
Nor is it true that Byron is really Oscar, Ronnie Hughes in disguise or Carneades.
Shergar was mentioned but quickly dispelled and the Brink Mat robbers have denied knowing him, sale of the Great Orme to an oil-rich Sheik is totally unconnected, although two offers are on the table.
The drive-by shooting at Steve Hunt, David Jones MP and the Pier steering group is also thought to be the work of some deranged nutter but not this one as he was helping the police with their enquiries at the time of the alleged offence, on this point the police are focusing on an individual who was told-off for wearing his baseball cap in church during the Pier meeting and gave his name as Chameleon.
An officer at Wormwood Scrubs said the cleaning of Britain’s last remaining gallows was totally coincidental and had nothing to do with a Byron Davies, but he would check and get back to us later.
All in all the mystery deepens as someone claiming to be “Mrs Byron” was overheard offering sexual favours and a bung to police officers in return for “turning a blind-eye” and return of their passports and snowboards.
Like you and every other nosey bugger in Conwy I am in the dark on this one....... over to you Oscar.
Grayson Allen / Who is Grayson Allen? : Jan 01, 2001 · grayson allen:
He was born with purple skin as his mother species isn't as compatible with
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3 years ago